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DBF Manager

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작성자 no_profile 차동박 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 홈페이지 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 댓글 0건 조회 22,263회 작성일 10-12-02 02:10



45번 실행을 허용한다고 함

DBF Manager™, the official site

Handle dbf files efficiently with DBF Manager
Open, view and edit Clipper, FoxPro dbf files
Sort and filter records in DBF Manager
Retrieve data faster and in an order of your choice
Easy print dbf table data
In the printer-friendly version, all the data is visible on the printed page
Create and print a report in DBF Manager
Create, print, export reports with a visual report designer

Download Purchase

This is an advanced DBF data management solution for all database users. It is packed with features normally found only in top end software.
The built-in dbf editor of DBF Manager offers safe and secure access to the internals of the dBase dbf file format. It is crammed full of highly sophisticated features including comprehensive support for data structure modification. The sophisticated data editing, data conversion and search-replace features are all carefully tailored to suit each data type of interest.
DBF Manager has a comprehensive set of database index related tools. For example, the easy to use index manager will perform on-the-fly re-indexing and index rebuilds from an open dbf file as well as allowing a wide variety of index file types to be opened, modified and viewed. A print dbf structure feature is included in the extensive index file manager feature set.
The DBF Manager multi-document interface is intuitive and the program is extremely flexible and configurable. This means that no training is required; you can begin using it straightaway. You can try DBF Manager right now by downloading the free trial version from here. When you are convinced that this is the best compact solution for your individual or corporate database needs you can choose the most cost-effective license from our flexible, multi-tier, online ordering system and immediately receive your serial key by email.

Why choose DBF Manager?

DBF Manager puts you in control of your dbf files

You can use DBF Manager to work with DBase, Clipper, Foxpro, Visual Foxpro dbf file formats

DBF Manager is easy to use.

DBF Manager has enjoyable and intuitive user interfaces, that makes it easy to use by both novice users and computer professionals.

DBF Manager is suitable for dbf file structure management tasks

You can easy add, rename, and delete fields in your dbf files by using table structure designer

Open, view and modify .ndx, .cdx, .ntx, .mdx index files

The .cdx, .mdx, .ndx, .ntx index files contain and maintain pointers to records in the table (.dbf) file and is organized according to the index key values. An index file is separate from but associated with a .dbf file. So, you should open a .dbf file firstly and then associated index file(s) if needed.
Unlike .cdx/.mdx files that open automatically when the associated table is opened, you must open a .ndx/.ntx file explicitly using program's Index Manager dialog box (File->Index manager menu item).
Index files are only relevant for searching in the DBF - you really don't need them (i.e. you CAN read the .dbf data file without the index file). Removing the index file might break you application though.

Filter records using most of all Clipper/Foxpro functions

You can limit the records that you access to only the data you want by using temporary filter condition. You can set a separate filter for every open table.

DBF Manager can be used for generating powerful enterprise-level reports

The business customers can use the visual report designer (with a complete set of layout and design controls), to design highly formatted, interactive, and professional looking reports. Reports can be exported and repurposed to the electronic formats used by most end users (e.g. PDF and Excel).

DBF Manager can convert your dbf file data to popular file formats

You can export dbf file data to dbf, sql, csv, txt, xls, html file formats.

DBF Manager can import data from widespread file formats

Use built-in import wizard for importing data from xls, txt, csv, xlsx, xml, dbf file formats.

Still not convinced?

Try DBF Manager yourself right now by downloading the free trial version. When you are convinced that it is the best solution for your individual or corporate database needs you can use our secure online ordering system and immediately receive your serial key by email.



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