Online Backup Software
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Fresh News! Back2zip v2.0 is now in Beta

Back2zip v2.0, the online storage edition has been on the drawing board for years. Thousands of fans of Back2zip have been patiently waiting and now it's finally available in an initial beta release.
Frankly the big holdup has always been a scalable and secure storage infrastructure. With tens of thousands of Back2zip users, we needed to have an online storage infrastructure that could survive a heavy load and provide the best security.
The good news is that Amazon's S3 secure storage service provided exactly the infrastructure necessary to add online storage to Back2zip.
And Amazon S3 storage is not the only cool new feature. Back2zip is now a fully incremental backup tool (that is, only changes are stored so the backup archive is efficient.) Check this out:
- Completely incremental backups stores only changes made to each file
- Restore any file or any version of any file
- Restore from any computer. Each Amazon account supports 100 computers
- Efficient bandwidth saver features reduce transfers whenever possible
- The speed of local backup and all the security of online backup
- Compression, de-duplication and incremental backup reduces your online storage space
- Cheap! You pay only for the Amazon storage - a tiny fraction of other storage services
Feel free to grab yourself a copy of Back2zip 2.0 now -- all we ask is that you share your feedback with us so we can rapidly improve the software. Enjoy!
» Download Back2zip 2.0 Beta «
- back2zip_setup.exe (917.6K) 21회 다운로드 | DATE : 2011-03-06 21:00:08
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