How to schedule a backup of all virtual servers > Virtualmin Guide

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How to schedule a backup of all virtual servers

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작성자 휴먼 댓글 0건 조회 10,322회 작성일 11-08-02 11:10


How to schedule a backup of all virtual servers

Posted 2009-01-20 14:27 by andreychek

This tutorial will cover how the administrative user can schedule a backup for all Virtual Servers.

It assumes you have logged into Virtualmin as the root user.

  1. Click Backup and Restore.

  2. Click Scheduled Backups.

  3. Click Add a new backup schedule.

  4. Make sure Local file or directory is selected, and enter /root/backups/ into the textbox as the location to store the backups.

  5. Click Schedule and reporting.

  6. In Scheduled backup time, choose Simple Schedule.

  7. Select Daily in the select list next to Simple Schedule.

  8. Click Create Schedule.

A backup of all Virtual Servers will now be performed every day at midnight.


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